tisdag 23 mars 2021


Playlist 21/03/2021
1) Bolt Thrower - "The IVth Crusade" (Earache, 1992)
Make the world better. Listen to Bolt Thrower!
2) Bolt Thrower - "War Master" (Earache, 1991)
A better world is possible. Listen to Bolt Thrower!  
3) Baest - "Necro Sapiens" (Century Media, 2021)
Great multiverse of influences. Catchy songs. Non-pretentious music. Possible their best all-around album.
4) Spirit Adrift - "Enlightened In Eternity" (Century Media, 2020)
Really great stuff. Melodic yet heavy. I really like this band. 
5) The Mars Volta & Solitude Aeturnus mix
Because I can.

söndag 21 mars 2021


 Playlist 21/03/2021
1. Immolation - "Shadows In The Light" (2007, Listenable)
Awesome album. It felt awesome when it came out. It still feels awesome over a decade later. Immolation are a great band!
2. Opeth - "Blackwater Park" (2001, MFN)
I'll always remember how perplexed I was when the brutal vocals kicked in. Biased prick that I was, I did not want to hear anymore from bands that were desperately trying to "mature", without having the same honest intentions and passion they had as when they were first starting out. Great album. Today the Pink Floyd influences (guitars) really stood out for me.
3. Opeth - "Still Life" (1999, Peaceville)
The pivotal step in their career. Leaders, not followers.
4. Deep Purple - "Abandon" (1998, EMI)
Clearly not as good as its predecessor, but good nonetheless. I think I saw them live in '99 and again in '01; on the strength of this album, could be claimed. I remember walking my uncle's cream beagle Irma (Beagles Rule! Paws Up!) with this cassette tape in my walkman. 
5. Deep Purple - "Bananas" (2003, EMI) 
It may have been in 2004, 2005 even, when I sat down to listen to release. Had I listened to this album first, I'd definitely prefer it to "Abandon". Alas, I heard them in chronological order, "Abandon" first and then "Bananas". I'd probably still go for the latter if squeezed.