Formula for the needs of a post by The Veteran Kara'o'lides. I finally managed to make $\LaTeX$ "code" work! The algorithm for the end-of-the-year-lists is an ongoing project. It should be completed by November 28, 2012.
\[ TRV(r_j) =\sum_1^n w_i \cdot Ind_i (r_j) \, , \]
where $TRV(r_j)$ is the total record value of the $j^{\text{th}}$ record, $1 \leq j \leq k$, with respect to the $n$ in number indexes of your choice. $Ind_i$ is the $i^{\text{th}}$ index, $w_i$ the weight corresponding to the $i^{\text{th}}$ index and $k$ is the total number of records entering the competition.